
Do You Have a Nathan?

Tonight in our lifeGROUP lesson we read about Nathan, a prophet, sent to speak to David regarding his fallen state and his sin. The Lord sent Nathan speak correction to David.

As we talked, I realized that every one of us is in need of those in our lives who will speak the truth to us in love. Many times we’ve been so surrounded by our ongoing issues and weaknesses (all of which manifest in sin if not resolved) that we are unable to see the error of our ways. The reason many of us don’t have people around us that can speak accordingly is because of our own pride. We have convinced ourselves that between God and us, “we’ve got it covered.” Pastor Lonny Dyer actually said today in our Living Stones Crown Point service, “The religious spirit says, ‘We’re ok. We’re good.'”

I know that I personally am grateful for Pastor Ron Sr. and my wife who both have complete access and permission to speak the truth to me. My question to you is, “Who are those around you that have the authority in your life to speak the truth.” Not just give you an opinion or some random advice; who are those that have complete access to speak the truth even when it hurts? If you don’t have them, find them.