
Christians in the Arts

Artists that are Christians have a tough road ahead of them. They are misunderstood by the world because of their faith, and they are misunderstood by the church because of their art.

Unfortunately, much of the Church, because of religion, has required artists to make a choice between God and art. The Church has held the belief that Christians can’t be secular artists. If they are called to create any type of art (music, painting, poetry, dance, etc.), they must do it within the confines of religion. Otherwise, the art is “worldly.” However, there are many Christians who have felt the call to be artists in the “world.” In doing so, the Church has made the assumption that Christian artists are selling their soul to world. In what other area of society have we made this assumption? I haven’t seen it in politics, business, or any other area of culture

Therefore, what is a Christian artist to do?? This is exactly what I’ll be sharing when I speak this Sunday at Living Stones Crown Point. Join us at either our 8 AM or 11 AM service. I also have a very exciting announcement that I’m SUPER excited to make as it relates to the music of Living Stones.

Join us this Sunday, August 22.