
Are You Being Followed?

Last week some of the guys from my lifegroup went to Chicago to celebrate one of our members’ birthday. The birthday boy picked The Cheesecake Factory in the Hancock Building to celebrate his big day. After a couple of hours of great food, fun conversation, and, of course, amazing cheesecake, it was time to go. I was on the outside seat of the circular booth we’d been sitting in so I was the first out of my seat. I put on my coat and headed for the door without a thought. Then it me (the thought, that is). I had walked quite a distance without ever looking behind me to see if everyone was following me. If you’ve been to The Cheesecake Factory in Chicago, you know it’s a pretty big place, and we were all the way in the back. I was nearly to the door when I finally turned around and looked back. Fortunately, they were all there following me.

I sort of laughed to myself and had the thought, “If you’re leading, turn around and make sure someone is following.” This is often true in life and leadership. Often times as leaders we are plowing our way through the restaurant of life without a thought of anyone else. Did someone get hung up along the way? Did they misplace their phone, meet someone else in the restaurant, or decide to make a detour along the way at the restroom? This happens all of the time in life. Things come along that distract those that are following you. Good leaders are aware of those that are following and turn around every once in a while and make sure they’re all still with you.

No matter what type of person you are, there are those that follow you at some level. Just make sure they’re still following while hurrying your way to the door.