
SOWA Starts NOW!

I am sitting here at home in my office tonight catching up on a few things, and my mind is racing! I haven't been this excited in a long time. This week starts another term of SOWA – the Living Stones School of Worship Arts. I'm particularly excited about this session because I'm going to be teaching a new course. Well, the course isn't new, but our approach is. During the last session, some of other instructors taught SOWA Band for those emerging worshipers that were ready for the next level (to play in a band setting). This session marks the first time that I will be teaching the course. Instead of having all of the various instructors there, I'll be teaching the band as a unit as if they were going to be leading worship. Actually, they will be leading worship!! After a few weeks of preparation, they will actually be leading our children in Fresh Fire Kids on the first Tuesday night of the month. (Fresh Fire Kids is our worship and intercession night for children!)

This is exciting – where can young people get this opportunity to be trained and then to actually "do the stuff" and lead others in worship. I know we're not the only place doing this, but it certainly isn't commonplace yet in the Body of Christ.

I'll give some more updates along the way . . .