
Worship is a Response

So many times when we consider the word “worship” in the context of most contemporary churches, music is at the forefront of our minds. However, are they one in the same? When teaching about worship, I many times use the analogy I heard some time ago from a seasoned teacher in the field of worship leadership. Here is the analogy.

Let’s use the example of an airplane and a runway. For any of us that have flown on an airplane, we wouldn’t be too pleased with our chosen airline, if we boarded the plane, taxied up and down the runway, and then returned to the gate from which we boarded the airplane. We would look at the flight attendants in disbelief and would demand a refund. Now let’s take this and relate it to worship. In the above example, the music is like a runway; worship is the atmosphere. Just like the runway is only a tool that enables the plane to fly, music is only a tool that allows us to “fly” into the atmosphere of God’s presence. True worship isn’t about music. Music is just a tool that assists us in enabling us to worship.

With this in mind, we must remember that music is a very emotional experience. When we hear music and the sounds, tones, and rhythms that go along with it, it evokes an emotional response in humans. We must remember that this emotional experience as well isn’t worship. Rick Warrens makes this clear when he says,

“Today many equate being emotionally moved by music as being moved by the Spirit, but these are not the same. Real worship happens when your spirit responds to God, not to some musical tone.”

So, what is worship if it isn’t just about music and isn’t just emotional? Here is the key: true worship requires a response. The music, and the emotions that come along with it, should stir in our spirits and cause us to respond.

How do we respond? And to whom or to what are we responding? The Bible is filled with instructions on how we should respond in worship. In the coming posts, we’ll explore those responses.


  1. Thanks Jon….I have really enjoyed these words of wisdom on worship….I’m much afraid that many of us don’t prepare for true worship as we should. I’ll look forward to hearing more about the responses.

  2. I find it interesting how much G_d has instilled music in all creation. For example, if you go to the planetarium in Chicago, there is an exhibit about a song that the sun sings. The sun continueously sings a high pitched song, it harmonizes with the song that the stars are singing and the moon has it’s own song that is more like the bass believe it or not. It’s absolutly astounding, it will blow your mind.

    Then if you read abut Einstein’s string theory, all matter is made up of tiny vibrating strings smaller than an atom. Take that to the infinate measure, what if we are in continous song. What if all of creation can be heard like music to Daddy G_d all the time? What if every breath we breath contributes to an ultimate song composed through us, his instruments/musicians combined? At one point the bible talks about our hearts being far from G_d and our worship being noise. What if that’s not just when we’re singing or playing instruments? What if it’s when we are doing laundry or driving to work? What if it’s when we make a decision to do what G_d has told us even though it’s inconvienant? What if, like Lucifer, G_d created in us music that never stops?

    Take this even farther. What if music has the power to create? What are we creating when we are disobedient? How about prideful? What are we creating when we are obedient? How about humble? We already know it has the power to change the atmosphere. What if ALL we are is music?

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