
Preparing Yourself for Worship

As I was reading earlier in the week, I began to ponder the following question: “What am I doing to prepare myself for worship?” Some may look at that question and respond in dumbfounded bewilderment. Those with that response seem to think that corporate worship isn’t something for which we can prepare. Instead, we just come, and we worship. Although it is accurate that we can show up tomorrow morning at our churches and “simply worship,” the question is, “Is there more?”

King David obviously thought there was. He says in 2 Samuel 24:24 —

“But the king said to Araunah, “No. I’ve got to buy it from you for a good price; I’m not going to offer GOD, my God, sacrifices that are no sacrifice.” (MSG)

David wasn’t willing to sacrifice something that didn’t cost something. My challenge to all of us is this. As we think about joining our brothers and sisters in Christ tomorrow morning to worship together, let’s think about what we can bring. True worship requires sacrifice. In the Old Testament, that sacrifice was the blood of an animal. Today, true worship still requires sacrifice. However, a blood sacrifice for our worship has already been given through the gift of Jesus on the cross. However, God asks us to sacrifice something – something that costs us.

What is God asking you to sacrifice in preparation for worship today and in the days and weeks to come?


  1. Thank you Pastor,

    You’re right, many of us do not prepare ourselves specifically for worship on a certain day, however, I believe many of us do so on a daily basis, the experience of worship, culminating in a glorious corporate worship on the day we choose to do so, joined by others who share the beliefs we do. How we get up in the morning, with a smile and a grateful heart for one more day, or an attitude because we are forgetting how great He is and that the morning has just been renewed. Another day, another chance to get “it” right. I find myself looking at the stars as I work at night at my job and think of how blessed I am to have life in these old bones, and to get a nugget from Him on occasion as I drive over the roads of Wisconsin.

    As our Worship Pastor, you have done a phenomenal job of organizing and preparation for our Sunday services, but we know that it takes many hours of dedicated effort to get to that point. That’s why we love you so. We are blessed that God has placed you in our family.

  2. pastor jon, what are your thoughts on women leading worship? i personally have no problem with it. however, i would like to find some biblical basis for my thoughts. is there any that you know of, and what has drawn you to your conclusions? any help would be great. thanks again.

    adam kern

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