
It’s Been Awhile

Well, it has been awhile since I’ve sat down and written an actual post. Quite frankly, it’s not that there’s nothing to write about. The exact opposite is the case – there is SO MUCH to write about. And then at the end of the day there is so much running through my brain I can’t even process it. Today is the first day in awhile that I’ve actually had some down time for just me. I am enjoying a nice quiet lunch at Go Roma utilizing their free Wi-Fi. So I thought I would just jot down a few random thoughts about what’s been happening in life & ministry.

For the first time ever, we’ve actually formally auditioned people for the worship team. We have eight incredible people who have joined the team as as instrumentalists and singers. They’rea already being incorporated into the schedule. It’s amazing how well they are “fitting in” to the team. Great job you guys! 

  • Plus, we now have a rotating team of four worship leaders. It’s really awesome to see them walk further into the anointing that God has for them. I call them “my three sons.” If you’re young, you probably don’t remember that show. (I must confess that I’m really too young to remember it as well, but I do remember the reruns.)
  • The reason we’ve been doing all the expanding is because we’re about to launch our first multi-site Living Stones location in Gary. Our first service (still on the Crown Point campus) was August 19 with our first official Sunday at the Genesis Center being October 21. This is very stretching yet incredibly EXCITING. This has been confirmed and reconfirmed through prophetic word after prophetic word. 
  • The School of Worship Arts is off and running again. We have more instructors than ever and 114 students! We are so stinkin’ excited about raising up the next generation of worshipers!
  • God blessed me incredibly at the end of July by sending John to me to assist me in the worship arts area. The timing could not have been more God. Quite honestly, I don’t know what I would have done without his help in the last couple of months. God really MUST know what He is doing!!
  • This next week we should be ordering all of the sound and video equipment for the new launch in Gary.
  • In January, we’re starting the Living Stones School of Ministry. We have a special concentration on Worship Arts. If you’re interested, visit the Living Stones website for the details.