
Are You Living Your Dream?

I just finished reading an interesting blog post from Tony Morgan. In this post he talks about New Spring Church‘s lead pastor, Perry Noble, and a recent staff meeting. At the staff meeting, he challenged his staff with this: “If this isn’t your dream job, resign today.”

The comments that followed on Tony’s blog were mixed. Some loved it; others were apalled. I just love the fact that Perry is so bold as to be willing to lose people on the spot, and he did. I know there are so many things that could be said and so many different angles you could go on this. But purely from a personal viewpoint, I am so blessed to be able to analyze my own life and job and say confidently that I am living my dream. Sure, there are things that I would like to continue to do and see happen, yet, what I am doing is my dream. 

Saying this, I realize that there are those reading this that aren’t living their dream. I challenge you with a few things.

  • Consider what is your dream. If you could do anything at this very moment and call it a job, what would it be? If you can’t answer this question, I challenge you to really think about it. DREAM! I give you permission! 
  • Are you doing what is necessary to see the dream from above fulfilled? Even if the “job” that you’re working isn’t your dream, is it a stepping stone to see the dream fulfilled? If you’re in college, you’re probably not living your dream, but the current season prepares you for the fulfillment of your dream. Even then, preparation to see the dream accomplished actually IS living the dream. It’s all in the perspective.
  • For some of you, maybe you need to do something as radical as Perry suggested. If you’re not living your dream, resign. That’s a gutsy move, particularly in an economy such as ours right now. If you can accomplish a dream easily and without risk, it isn’t really a dream; it’s a plan.
From Perry’s point of view as a leader of a large, growing church, I believe (although I can’t speak for him) that his desire is to have people surrounding him that are totally fulfilled and passionately giving themselves to live out their dream while serving God’s people at New Spring. Likewise, I want people around me and those serving in worship at Living Stones that are living out their dream by serving. When we gather to live our dreams together, life becomes incredibly fulfilling, and we accomplish amazing things together.
So, DREAM! Live your dream.


  1. HOW TRUE!!!!! If you don’t love what you do… can feel “slighted” by the Lord for not fulfilling that dream. We have a responsibility to do something to get to that place of joy in our job.
    I’m so blessed. All I ever wanted for my life was to be a wife and a mom and maybe a teacher. I’m married to the best guy ever. We have a terrific child….who I’m so thankful I get the honor of teaching! Then I get to serve the most wonderful people at Living Stones and a worshipper and cell leader(with the two nicest leaders over me!) It doesn’t get better than that!!!!!
    To be in the will of God is the best of all. Rejoicing always, praying without ceasing, and in all things giving thanks! It don’t get better than that!

  2. My dream “job” is to be in a band that travels around the world singing worship songs. I’m glad that I’m serving as a sound guy for our Kids Cell Network. I am praying for a “stepping stone” job to help achieve my dream. Thank you for posting this entry.

  3. I’m completely amazed at the steps God’s had me take this past year, this past 6 months even. There are so many details, but the biggest thing is that I’m running after my dreams. Last year I would have never believed it. This year I know that (as you had even mentioned once, or a few times…) the word “impossible” doesn’t exist in God’s vocabulary. It’s not Kingdom.

    It’s so amazing to be in the center of His hand… 😉

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