Category: Main
My Daughter on Drums
My oldest daughter, Selah is taking drums from Mr. Josh in our Living Stones School of Worship Arts. She came home from drums Thursday night and showed me the following she had written on paper. This wasn’t part of her assignment for her class and wasn’t provoked or encouraged by Mr. Josh or myself. Josh…
It’s Been Awhile
Well, it has been awhile since I’ve sat down and written an actual post. Quite frankly, it’s not that there’s nothing to write about. The exact opposite is the case – there is SO MUCH to write about. And then at the end of the day there is so much running through my brain I…
Is the MUSIC too loud?
I regularly read Perry Noble‘s blog. He’s a pastor or a booming church, NewSpring, in South Carolina. I love his honesty and real down-to-earth feel. Well, I could so relate to yesterday’s blog post and loved it! Loved it, loved it! I’m passing it along to all of you as well.
Jesus Said “It’s Time to Dance”
This is an incredible word for us at Living Stones at such an incredible season! The writer of this article, Julie Meyer, is an incredible worship leader. I have been to Kansas City and have heard her lead worship and have ALWAYS loved her spirit. She writes the following article that is really incredible. It…