Pictures from the Countryside
Here are a few pictures from our trip on Monday to the countryside.
Here are a few pictures from our trip on Monday to the countryside.
Hello from Darkhan, Mongolia. We are having an incredible time. Yesterday, we went to the countryside and rode camels and horses and chased sheep. Yes, chased sheep. I tried to catch one — but that’s an entire story for another post. There’s even video to prove it! The Internet is very slow here and our…
We have arrived at our first destination of South Korea. We have about a four-hour layover here in the airport and then another four-hour plane ride to Ulanbataar, Mongolia. By that time we arrive there, we’ll have been up for nearly 32 hours. We’ll spend the night in a hotel in Ulanbataar and then the…
In the matter of a few hours, we’ll be in the air circling the globe to the other side of the world. South Korea, Mongolia, and China are our destination. 35 other members of our church will join as we travel to Mongolia to train their worship team, do a construction projection, and a conduct…
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