Questions to Consider: Wonderful Counselor, Part 4

  Read Luke 5:27-32. For whom did Jesus come? In what area of your life are you “sick?” (Be honest. What is your deepest struggle, fear, hurt, or addiction?) So many people don’t do what the doctors or counselors suggest. What is Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor, leading you to do? Be specific. As the group…

Jesus, Our Wonderful Counselor: Wonderful Counselor, Part 2

The words Wonderful Counselor actually originate from the Hebrew words, pele’ (peh’ leh) ya’ats (yaw-ats’). Pele’ (peh’-leh) — beyond understanding; too wonderful for words Ya’ats (yaw-ats’) — to advise; to consult; to guide. As our Wonderful Counselor, Jesus leads us, guides us, advises us, and consults us in ways beyond our understanding and in ways…