
The Ripple Effect of Contagious Positivity in Teams

You’ve probably worked with people on your team that have this insane ability to create a positive, uplifting environment around them. Even when things seem to be at their worst, these folks seem to always find the silver lining in it all. Somehow they are consistently the makers of lemonade when life throws them a dozen cases of lemons. What is interesting about these individuals is they also are not Pollyanna — they aren’t in denial and assume that everything is rainbows and unicorns. They are highly aware that there are real challenges in front of them. However, they choose to handle those challenges with a positive mindset. 

You’ve also probably experienced the opposite — individuals have the ability to suck the life out of any room no matter how big or small. Their negativity is infectious and spreads like the latest strain of influenza.. After having a 1 on 1 meeting with these individuals, you leave discouraged and lethargic, questioning your own ability to lead effectively.

A Harvard Business Review article reinforced this idea. Researchers studied the extraordinary performance of teams, unveiling a common thread weaving through their success—the positive energizer. These individuals embody virtues such as forgiveness, compassion, humility, kindness, trust, integrity, honesty, generosity, gratitude, and recognition, transcending workplace dynamics and resonating deeply with our core values.

Positive energizers vs. de-energizers

Positive energizers are carriers of “contagious positivity.” They have the unique ability to light up a room – much like beams of sunshine brighten a dark room. Their presence fosters an atmosphere of energy, enthusiasm, inspiration, and connection. Their contagious positivity impacts not only their professional relationships but also relationships in every facet of life. The converse is also true. At the opposite end of the spectrum are the de-energizers—individuals whose presence leaves others feeling depleted, demoralized, and uninspired. 

We all have a choice—to embrace and be carriers of positivity. Leaders, coworkers, friends, and family members reap immense benefits from the presence of positive individuals. The necessity for positive energy extends beyond professional realms, reaching into the fabric of our personal lives and relationships. It’s crucial to understand that embracing positivity does not entail denying imperfections. Instead, it allows one to accept the current reality and look beyond them with hopeful eyes.

Positive energizers are catalysts for transformation, igniting sparks of optimism and resilience within their teams. Their influence transcends beyond productivity; their influence permeates the organizational culture and enhances their team’s overall well-being. When positive energy becomes the norm rather than the exception, teams become resilient in the face of challenges, fostering an environment ripe for innovation and collaboration.

Positive energizers and their impact

One of the most remarkable aspects of contagious positivity is its ripple effect. An individual’s impact is pretty extensive. It includes:

  • Improving mental well-being by reducing stress, increasing resilience and fostering a more optimistic outlook on life.
  • Enhancing relationships by promoting empathy, cooperation, and a sense of belonging. 
  • Inspiring creativity, productivity, and innovation, leading to greater success personally and professionally
  • Contributing to a more supportive and uplifting environment where people thrive and flourish.

Furthermore, the benefits of contagious positivity extend beyond the workplace. Positive energizers bring that optimism into their personal lives, enriching those relationships by fostering stronger bonds with friends and family. Their ability to see the good in others and approach challenges with a hopeful mindset spreads joy and optimism wherever they go

Leaders Role

Leaders play a pivotal role in cultivating contagious positivity within their teams. By modeling positive behaviors and creating a supportive environment, leaders can empower their employees to thrive and unleash their full potential. Recognizing and celebrating the contributions of team members, expressing gratitude, and fostering a culture of kindness and empathy are essential components of cultivating positivity within an organization.

Leaders, take proactive steps to cultivate a positive and energizing environment within your teams in the following ways:

  1. Identify and encourage positive energizers, those who naturally radiate contagious positivity and embody virtues like kindness, trust, and gratitude. Foster their influence by giving them platforms to share their optimism and insights with the team.
  2. Address and mitigate the impact of de-energizers by providing constructive feedback and coaching to help them shift their mindset towards positivity. 
  3. Model positive behaviors yourself; lead by example by showcasing resilience, celebrating team achievements, and expressing genuine gratitude regularly.
  4. Prioritize team well-being by promoting mental health, encouraging open communication, and creating opportunities for collaboration and creativity.
  5. Continuously reinforce a culture of kindness, empathy, and recognition, ensuring that positivity becomes a consistent and integral part of your organizational culture, benefiting both professional productivity and personal growth.

If we can foster a culture of positivity, the benefits as we’ve already seen are endless with the primary one being a workplace that brings joy and fulfillment. If you would like help with this or any other challenges you’re facing, please reach out to me about leadership coaching opportunities.

 (Seppälä, E. and Cameron, K. (2022). The Best Leaders Have a Contagious Positive Energy.)