The Penny and the Seatbelt

by | Feb 28, 2011 | Fun

I don’t typically write blog posts like these, but I had to tell this story for the world to read! Actually, I did a couple of posts along the way on Facebook but some only received the last post and had no idea what I was talking about. So here’s the story.

Last week while going through the drive thru at some fine fast food establishment (I honestly don’t remember if it was McDonald’s, Starbucks, or the like), I took the change that I received and went to drop it in the cup holder of the center console like I typically do. However, I missed. When this happens, the change normally falls between the seats and is sucked up by the vacuum the next time I clean up the car. Unfortunately, this time the penny fell directly into the seat belt buckle. I only found this out when I went to buckle up the seat belt and came against the opposition. As I tried to fasten the buckle, I looked and realized that the penny was wedged perfectly. When I explained to a few people what had happened, I received simplistic solutions like “get out with a magnet” or “use tweezers” to remove it. If you could have seen it, you would have realized that it just wasn’t that easy. On retrospect, I wish I would have taken a picture of the sheer perfection of its lodging. After having tried several options for removing it, I decided (while driving) that maybe trying to force the seat belt into the clasp would force it out. To my surprise, the buckle engaged. At that same moment I had the fearful thought that I may not be able to disengage it. My fears were pretty much justified. Try as I may, the buckle wasn’t going to open. Once I arrived at my destination, I had to somehow get free. I got as much slack in the seatbelt as possible and then wiggled my way out like a snake. I wish I would have had a video camera to capture the moment.

So, for those of you that saw my Facebook post with the picture of the penny, this is the rest of the story. But that wasn’t the end of the story. My seatbelt was still stuck. That’s where Carl comes in. No, I did not name the penny Carl. Carl is my friend and great mechanic that took my seatbelt apart to free Abe and allow me to drive safely again. Thanks, Carl. And for the rest of you, be careful where you drop your pennies.

Written By Jon Plotner

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