A few thoughts on a sometimes ugly word

by | Mar 30, 2009 | Main

While I was away in Florida, I woke up in the middle of the night half awake and half asleep one night. I’ve experienced times like this in the past. I had to wonder, “Am I dreaming or am I awake.” Whatever state I was in, it’s odd because when I awoke, I heard clearly three things. I’m not quite sure why out of no where God chose to give me these things other than He wanted me to know it. What He spoke wasn’t anything new or profound, but I believe in this season for some reason He wants us to know it in an even greater measure.

He spoke to me regarding submission. We’ve all heard about it. It’s an ugly word because it has been misused so often. I had to go back and actually look up the word. What is submission?

Submission is “the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person”(New Oxford American Dictionary). Whether in marriage relationships or in the church, most have experienced or seen the misuse of this concept by those in authority. As a result, we resist submitting to anyone — even God. Yet, this is something about which God is very serious.

1 Peter 2:13-14
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

Romans 13:1-2
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

I can feel those of you reading this cringing as you read the above verses. Our problem today is that these verses are used to demand submission. However, submission is something that can’t be demanded but can only be given. As an authority, I can’t demand submission, but those under me can freely give it. I can encourage them to submit because God commands us to, but I can’t command it or demand it. Having said all of that, allow me to share what God reiterated to me.

First of all, I was reminded that submission is complete obedience. When we submit ourselves to God or to authorities placed over us, we can say that we submit but the true test of submission is our obedience. And further, how do we obey? Do we obey outwardly only? Or do we fully obey with all of our heart? Most of us know that we can appear to be obedient and do what is required outwardly, yet within us there is a rebelliousness although it may never be spoken. True submission requires our obedience outwardly and inwardly. If we aren’t submitting to what God is doing in our lives and what He is speaking by our complete, inward, heartfelt obedience, then we might as well just outwardly rebel.

Secondly, those truly submitted do so even when they disagree. I can remember sometime ago thinking that I was really submitted to my leader. However, God exposed to me my heart by asking me this simple question, “You think you’re submitted because you typically agree with him.” From there, He reminded me that true submission occurs when I disagree with the person. What I realized from that encounter is that I can’t measure my level of submission to an authority (including God) by when I agree. I can only truly measure my level of submission by how I respond when I disagree. Submission is truly tested in the times of disagreement. How do I respond when God speaks to me something with which I disagree? How do I respond when a leader who is in authority over me corrects me, and I actually think they are wrong? Do I submit to the correction or do I criticize God or the person and become bitter? True submission is tested on the grounds of disagreement.

Finally, if I am truly submitted, I will do so even when it causes me pain. No one loves pain. Actually, no one even likes it. The reason we were created to feel pain was to keep us from making the same mistakes again. The reason it hurts when you touch something very hot is so that you are reminded not to do it again. The reason I spank my children is to remind them that the consequences of their sin is that it will hurt! I have heard my “runner friends“ talk about how you learn to love the pain. I guess I can see their point in a larger scheme because although it hurts, the gain is well worth the pain. It’s the same thing when we’re truly submitted to God and His delegated authority. There are times when we are presented with correction. I like to call it “getting my chain jerked.” I never like it. Yet, I am learning that if I respond correctly and embrace the pain, I will in the long run be much better off. Runners do the same thing; they may not like the pain but if they embrace the pain, the gain is well worth it. We must learn that those in authority over us (both God and man) who truly love us and are committed to our success will correct us. It may cause us pain yet it is for our good.

Written By Jon Plotner

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